Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Artistic Mother Art Group - backgrounds

I finally received my "Artistic Mother" in the mail. I know I am behind in the group... so I got going! Here are some of my background pages. It was fun playing in paints like this.... felt like kindergarten all over again and it wasn't long before all three kids were painting along with me which is really what this is all about.


  1. I love your pages. They look like fabric.

  2. Your background papers are amazing. I love your use of colors and stamps. I agree with Colette that they look like fabric. Everything just blended so well. You are so talented.

  3. great backgrounds - some of them almost looks like silk

  4. Oh, those are so fun!

    I can't wait to see your stitching too!

  5. such a sweet time, painting with your kids...love the look!

  6. I too agree with Trudy and Colette...it looks like fabric...pretty.
    Glad you are having fun..this is fun, I feel like a little kid too doing these papers.

  7. i love the tie dye/batik look of your pages! do share your technique!

  8. These are just beautiful! I love the colors and the color combinations - I think you will have a lot of fun with these! Kristin xo

  9. i finally got mine yesterday too..i am behind as well, but i know what i am doing now, so all is good...love them too!!!xxx

  10. I love the psychedelic color patterns in the first one <3

  11. Happy Easter! Love your pages :)

    Karen xoxoxo

  12. these are great papers, glad you are part of the journey.


  13. Jenn,
    It is delightful seeing you again. You were my very first swap. Now I even have a blog...please come and visit...


    I hate that we have the "jewelry" name in it. It really is about a lot more. My daughter surprised me with it one day and put it in and I guess it can't be changed.

    I have gone to Silver Bella and done a lot of swaps since then (as I am sure you have, too) and I still remember how scared I was when I made your basket, which I think was just a year ago.

    Silver Bella was wonderful, expensive, overwhelming and stretching. I wish you could go sometime. It was my sixtieth birthday present and now it will be my sixty-first...and Christmas, too.

    I have joined the next swap for A Swap For All Seasons and am awaiting my partner!

    (Susan Reaney)

  14. :) sounds like fun! small joys is good joys:) and the pictures were qute too!
    have a good day!

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    Insightful! A brilliant article; It has really insightful information. You are extremely intelligent!
