Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Art Journal

I have been reading alot about art journals lately and am so inspired by all the photographs of journals out there which combine art and/or images and words and thoughts. I have read that your not suppose to think so much and just let it come out. Here is my page from yesterday.I really enjoy the process, cutting, gluing, but when it comes time to put in the words - my wall goes up. I really struggle with that part of it.
I really love those journal pages with all the writing, and different letter types and squiggles.... I am going to keep trying! Maybe it will just come with time??


  1. Me too. I love putting all the pictures, and little trinkets but can never figure out what to write. I too love the journals like Pam garrisons. Maybe we'll get there some day.
    cari b

  2. I have found your journal can be something as simple as a day to day account of any highlights/lowlights. There are some budding deep and meaningful authors out there that pour their heart and soul and the meaning of life into their journal....mine is just a 'Had coffee with Mandy today' kind of journal and I really enjoy looking back a year later and remembering my simple day to day happenings and enjoying the decorated pages.

  3. i think your page is gorgeous!!! i have not tried journaling...but i have done scrapbooking a while back and the wording is THE worst part for me...i am not good at doing the doodling either...i am always afraid i will ruin the page i have put together...

  4. I haven't tried journaling yet, but it must be cathartic. I really like the cherub you chose. So cute.

  5. It's beautiful with or without words! Nice work. :)
